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war story

Winnipeg, Canada - Oct 13, 2022

7 months

By Olha Zahoruiko

Winnipeg, Canada,
Oct 13, 2022

aiThe psyche is capable of self-healing. Time depends on us, on the degree of injury, on the desire to start living again and on how we put ourselves in order.
aiIn the first months after the war, I couldn't look at the flowers without tears, because I spent months rebuilding my garden and had to leave everything. For me, flowers represented an archaic connection to the earth, to sow/grow = to give life. For long months there were dreams with different variations on the theme of fighter jets, Grads, red sky and a complete sense of surrealism.
aiNow I look at flowers and even photos from my garden calmly, with acceptance. Finally, there are nights with full sleep. I understand that this is due to:
ai- Support from friends and my coach
ai- Meditations and gradually increasing time in the moment during the day

Everything passes and there is still life ahead.

ai- Practitioners of gratitude and qigong
ai- Celebrate 3 good events per day
ai- Helping others (any good deeds), I am especially grateful to everyone who contacted me for coaching sessions 🙏, because the people around us are our mirror.
ai- Belief in the fact that the psyche is self-regenerating and, of course, in our victory.
aiTherefore, gradual recovery and living with one foot in the past is possible, this is an invaluable experience, although there is still much to come. But really everything passes and there is still life ahead.

Oksana Astapovych


Brave Heart
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