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war story

Ukraine - Jan 26, 2024

A little girl of 

an indomitable woman

By Yana Kosinova-Zhukovska

Jan 26, 2024

ai- Written by Svitlana Trubachova -
ai"Having lost you, I have lost myself." Every day the emptiness of your soul lives with this "slogan". Every day, one of the 365 warriors lives in you, who fights with sadness, desolation, despair and unwillingness to live and move on without him.... without a loved one .. without the meaning of life and so you exist for almost a year and a half ..
aiVolodymyr was born in Luhansk region. After graduating from school, like a real man, he served his term of service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After being released into the reserve, he decided to continue serving the Motherland. And a few months later, in September 2005, he joined the ranks of the State Border Service of Ukraine.
aiAfter 2 years of service, we met, it was just that love that touches the heart at first sight, the first word, the first touch. We met for a short time, only 3 months, and I received a marriage proposal ... well, of course "yes". We lived the happiest 15 years together, had two children and got married in church on the 10th anniversary of our marriage.
aiVolodymyr devoted almost 18 years of his life to the Service, in particular to the border guard unit of the Luhansk border detachment named after the Hero of Ukraine Colonel Yevgeny Pikus. The morning of February 24 was the last day when I was able to hug, kiss and take him to the threshold of our home, to which he will NEVER return...
aiOn April 13, 2022, the unit in which Volodymyr was defending his native land held defense in the area of ​​the settlement of Kreminna. During the next artillery barrage, an enemy shell destroyed the dugout in which my husband was with his brother in arm, as a result of which Volodymyr received life-threatening injuries.

...and there is a long way ahead, a way without you, I often compare myself to a small child who is just learning to walk, this is how I learn to walk, breathe, live every day...but without you.

aiFor personal courage and selfless actions shown in the defense of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath of staff sergeant Volodymyr Mykhailovych Trubachov was awarded the Order "For Courage" of the III degree (posthumously) by the Decree of the President of Ukraine. By order of the Head of the State Border Service of Ukraine, the fallen serviceman was awarded another military rank of "master sergeant" (posthumously).
aiIn one day, your life changes completely and will have nothing to do with the past, you will punish yourself all your life for not being able to bury and touch your loved one for the last time... your husband is buried in the Dnipro, and you cannot leave from the damn occupation... and no one knows how much strength you need to look almost every day in the eyes of the murderers of your husband, the murderers of your life, who come to your home because you are the wife of a Ukrainian soldier.
aiand you know, it only keeps one thing - the children...children who have already lost their father ..who are trembling in the next room, who have now only me....and my promise to my husband to take the children to a safe place in Ukraine....
aiand it continues like this for another 3 months... you are already living the dream of meeting your loved one, but already in the cemetery... I have never felt so calm and warm during these three months of occupation, as lying on his grave for 4 hours
ai...and there is a long way ahead, a way without you, I often compare myself to a small child who is just learning to walk, this is how I learn to walk, breathe, live every day...but without you.
aiAnd, looking back, I know where I have so much strength, spirit, strength - because you and your love turned into my wings... My painting is about that little carefree girl who lives in every steel and strong woman who has lost her beloved Hero

#womeninwar, #artterapy

Yana Yanenko


The Santa Muerte girl  "Past Future Today"
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