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war story

Ukraine, Kharkiv region - Mar 18, 2023


By Vasil Astapovych

Ukraine, Kharkiv region ,
Mar 18, 2023

aiThe analysis of events in Ukraine allows us to come to the conclusion that the goal of destroying Ukraine and the Ukrainian people was set by Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. The genocide that Russia is conducting in Ukraine is not planned now. The Russian aggressors seem to be carrying out a plan developed back in the 1920s by the leadership of the Soviet Union, led by Lenin and then Stalin.
aiIn my opinion, the main goal of this plan was to make all the peoples of Europe economically dependent on the Soviet Union. This plan was achieved in the following way. At the beginning of the thirties of the last century, active construction of coal mines began in Donbas. The task was to provide coal not only for the industry of the Soviet Union, but also to supply it to Europe and, in this way, draw it into economic dependence. To some extent, this happened to Stalin and his team, but not on the scale that was planned.

In 1932-1933, a famine was artificially organized in Ukraine, as a result of which near tens of millions of Ukrainians died

aiThe task was to provide coal not only for the industry of the Soviet Union, but also to supply it to Europe and, in this way, draw it into economic dependence. To some extent, this happened to Stalin and his team, but not on the scale that was planned.
aiIn 1932-1933, a famine was artificially organized in Ukraine, as a result of which near tens of millions of Ukrainians died. It was a real genocide against the Ukrainian people, organized by Moscow.
aiIt is well known that from the prisons of the Soviet Union and from the Russian hinterland, hundreds of thousands of wagons were transported by railway to Slobozhanshchyna, Donbass, and the southern regions of Ukraine to the place of dead Ukrainians.

Mariia Minieieva


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