war story
Ukraine - Jun 30, 2024
Last meeting
Last meeting
This is about
Svitlana and Vladislav

aiToday I finished a painting dedicated to you, my love. I called my painting "The Last Meeting". On the canvas, I hugged you near the barracks in Olenivka, before I let you go to heaven...
aiIn fact, our last meeting was in the morgue, when I sobbed, clutching your cold hand through the black bag. The war destroyed our whole life, took you away from me forever. And through art, I am able to be with you at the most difficult moment...
ai...It seems to me Vladyslav has always been in my life. We were born and grew up in the same village Osypenko (he took the call sign OSYP in honor of his native village). We created our world together: as a couple we developed, as individuals we learned to understand each other...
As in a dream.. War, occupation, Mariupol, Azovstal, Olenivka... And his last text message, sent to me from captivity
aiBut on February 22, 2022, my beloved was urgently summoned to Urzuf, to the village where Azov batalion was based. My husband served in Azov since 2015 and was already a logistics officer. Then we saw each other for the last time..
aiThen as in a dream.. War, occupation, Mariupol, Azovstal, Olenivka... And his last text message, sent to me from captivity on July 26 2022, three days before the terrorist attack: "I hug you tightly, I love you infinitely, I am waiting for meeting."
aiOn November 12, I found you through a DNA test and buried you in Kyiv, at the Berkovets cemetery.
aiNow you and I are in different worlds. But I continue to feel your presence in my life and in ours daughter`s life. I am proud and will always be proud of you. You are forever in my heart.