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war story

Kharkiv, Ukraine - Dec 9, 2022

Military Spring

By Karina Dubyniuk

Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Dec 9, 2022

aiI remember the events of April. In the news it said there is a possibility the Russians will go deep into the region from the direction of Kupyansk and Chuguyev. 
aiBuchi's horrors were revealed. I learned what the aggressor's army does with children. I found out that they cut out boys' genitals and raped little girls. I became so scared that I was ready to run away with my children on foot. To get away from these horrors.
aiI was so scared that I couldn't breathe. There were constant panic attacks. My husband decided to take us to relatives in the Poltava region. I was afraid to leave the country alone with my children. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to cope on my own.
aiOn the way to Poltava, I learned that a huge amount of equipment and military personnel had arrived in our village. They were preparing a line of defense, as I was told. My mother and grandmother stayed in our house, there in the village. I cried the whole way. I felt like I betrayed my mother. It's a terrible feeling, it hurts a lot. The next morning, my husband went to pick up my mother and grandmother.

We returned home in a month when we realized the Russian army had not reached our village. They were 20 km away.

aiWe were settled in different villages. We saw each other only 2 times this month. It was very difficult with the children in someone else's house. My daughter is allergic to cats and dogs and has asthma attacks from it. But we were placed in a house with 4 cats and 1 dog. It was very difficult to live there. Her first breathing problems arose on the first day of our stay there.
aiWe left home 3 days before our daughter's birthday. She was waiting for friends to come to her party... the war destroyed all plans. The children were upset. My husband went home to look after the house. We all returned in a month when we realized that the Russian army had not reached our village. They were 20 km away from us.
aiStill, explosions were constant. My children, 3 and 7 years old, discussed among themselves that it was rockets exploding. It was surreal. It's scary and painful.
aiAnd we live on. We created a vegetable garden for the first time because we did not know whether there would be food to buy in the future and whether there would be money to buy it. We are still trying to do everything to save the lives of our children.

Oksana Astapovych


Children without childhood
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