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war story

Kharkiv, Ukraine - Feb 28, 2023

Pain from 

Russian Propaganda

By Vasil Astapovych

Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Feb 28, 2023

aiHistory knows no cases of military conflicts between the Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples. I could not even imagine that my Motherland - Belarus would become an aggressor in relation to Ukraine. How can I say otherwise, when from the first hours of a full-scale war, the movement of Russian invaders into the territory of Ukraine from the territory of Belarus began...
aiI am sure that the self-proclaimed President of my Motherland, Lukashenko, as well as the President of Russia, Putin, are war criminals.
aiIt is indescribably regrettable and painful for me to hear words from some Belarusians about supporting the war waged by Russia against the Ukrainian people. And I find it especially painful when my close people do it. Among them is my own brother who lives in Belarus. He declares that the best president in the world is the dictator Lukashenko; and the war in Ukraine is not waged by Russian aggressors, but Ukrainians are killing themselves.

The war showed who is a real brother, and who is even difficult to call a person.

aiMy cousin, a former military man, a colonel who now lives in Moscow, is actively supporting Putin in carrying out the so-called "special operation" and the genocide of the Ukrainian people. He is still deeply convinced that the Russian army is waging a war against the "Ukrainian Nazis" and the people of Bandera and liberating Ukrainians from them.
aiThis is at the same time when about sixty of his relatives live in the city of Kharkiv and in the Kharkiv region: mine and his relatives and cousins, our children, grandchildren and nephews. Now many of them were forced to leave and are temporarily living in different European and American countries.
aiThe war showed who is a real brother, and who is even difficult to call a person.
aiLife is such that there is a constant struggle between the forces of light and good against the forces of darkness and evil. And, as a rule, the forces of light and good come out victorious. It will be the same this time. Ukraine, at the cost of sacrifices and suffering, is waging a struggle against the Russian aggressors, a struggle for its independence and freedom, and in this struggle Ukraine will necessarily emerge victorious, because it represents the forces of light and goodness.

Nataliia Liudvychenko


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