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war story

Ukraine - Dec 29, 2023


the worlds

By Oksana Astapovych

Dec 29, 2023

ai–painting and story by Irina Pharion 
aiJunior sergeant Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Alimov, call sign Ali. 
aiAt the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, Oleksandr joined Ukraine's Territorial Defense Forces as a volunteer, serving as a member of the 215th Separate battalion of the 125th brigade. He was the chief sergeant of the platoon.
aiDied in battle with the occupiers near the village of Dibrova in the Luhansk region. Oleksandr was 38 years old.
aiOn December 5, 2022, I heard the voice of my beloved for the last time. That day I became not whole. I was broken. I lost my native home because a home is not walls - a home is a family. Ours is small, but so strong!
aiWhen we spoke I did not know that in a few hours my Sasha would lead a rapid response group, go to the aid of his brothers, and save their lives. But he himself would be left bleeding with a bullet in his head.

While waiting for the call, I had these strange moments where I would just start crying

aiFor a few days while I was waiting to hear from Sasha, I had these strange moments where I would start crying for no particular reason. The tears would stream out of my eyes. Only now I understand my soul felt his death. We spoke across time and space and those tears were our parting.
aiSasha and my story is about sincere and simple things, about everyday life — tea with lemon, "I'm sorry, I got mud from my boots on the floor in the hall", or "let's wash the dishes." It's about two people who were inspired by each other and built a strong bond.
aiMy painting is about power, time and love.
aiThese two entwined trees are our souls talking between the worlds.
aiA few weeks after I painted my picture, I noticed a new plant next to Sasha's grave wrapping itself around another. We talk."

Irina`s painting in an ALIVE: True Love Stories exhibition

This plant popped up right beside Irina`s husband's grave

Personal story shown below the painting

Irina`s painting in an ALIVE: True Love Stories exhibition

This plant popped up right beside Irina`s husband's grave

Personal story shown below the painting

#ALIVE, #arttherapy, #womeninwar

Lev Boiko


Surgeon Volodymyr  at the beginning of big war
Click to see