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war story

Ukraine - Nov 3, 2023


for victory

By Oksana Astapovych

Nov 3, 2023

aiBefore the full-scale war, I worked as a QA engineer in IT for a company in the USA.
aiStarting in 2014 I helped our army, volunteering. In 2016, I met military veterans and started training with them. Even then it was clear that the war would affect everyone sooner or later, and it was worth meeting it prepared.
aiI got married in 2017. My wife wasn't happy that I was spending my free time not with my family but on the military. Still she understood that it was important. I started collecting equipment. Eventually I was able to buy a hunting rifle and get the required permissions.
aiIn February 2022, after the large-scale invasion began and I evacuated my family, I voluntarily mobilized to the Armed Forces. First I served in Kyiv, then in the East and South of Ukraine. Later I underwent training abroad and now I am an instructor of communications.

The Ukrainian army has destroyed almost half of the Russian army including the most capable part of its ground forces.

aiFrom all my direct involvement, I am sure that the Ukrainian army has destroyed almost half of the Russian army including the most capable part of its ground forces. Still, we really need help like StarLinks, radios, drones, all kinds of vehicles.
aiCars don't live long at the front, even if they aren't destroyed by shelling. Typically within 1-2 weeks repairs are needed because of the incredibly rough conditions.
aiI strongly believe that Ukraine will win. Foreign militaries believe in us and support us. Our struggle is a fight between democracy and tyranny. We can destroy the Evil Empire, Russia, in its current form with the support of the democracies of the world. 
aiJust as the Soviet Union once ceased to exist and was not saved by its size or even nuclear weapons, so the Russian Federation must collapse into democratic republics.
ai We fought against the Russian Empire in the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th centuries and it's time to put an end their aggression. Now is a unique chance to do it.

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