war story
Holland, Zoetermeer - Dec 11, 2022
We make trench candles
We make
trench candles

By Olena Skala Skaletska
Holland, Zoetermeer,
Dec 11, 2022aiFrom Oleg Rudak, resident of the village of Borova, entrepreneur, athlete, volunteer...
aiAt first we overcame the panic. On the first day of the war, the most frightening thing was the unknown. In our village of Borova, this is the Zmiiv community, since the morning of February 24, we heard shelling of the outskirts of Kharkiv and the region. The villagers began to panic. Shops were closed and people were afraid of starvation.
aiMany people still remember the difficult war and post-war years. And I understood, first of all, it is necessary to calm people down. With like-minded people, we started carrying bread and milk.
aiSome bakeries worked and cows had to be milked on farms. The road was the most dangerous. But under shelling, we brought bread and milk for free and distributed them in the village.
aiI was staying in Ukraine, and my wife Tatiana gave up her ticket to Poland where we sent our daughter and grandson. I will go with you. It helps me a lot when a loved one is around.
I was not going to leave the country, and my wife handed in her ticket to Poland where we sent our children. "I will go together with you."
aiWe found a place on the way to Borova, where we were going to create a defence by throwing Molotov cocktails at the enemy. This was the start of us helping the boys at the front.
aiFrom the first days, we collected products for our fighters. We sewed underwear, insoles for shoes. Now candles are critical because you can use them for lighting and heating food. So, in my workshop, I make candles for the Ukrainian military. People give money for the paraffin and other supplies. This is a very necessary thing now in winter.
aiMy dogs help me too. I have sports dogs, husky champions Gerich and Malyna Barter. While there was heavy shelling, my wife and dogs and I hid in the basement. Now we are getting back in shape, running.
aiIt's important to help in the town as well as supporting our defenders. So, together with fellow villagers, we have tidied up the park on the site of the former swamp and weeds.
aiWhen the war ends, we invite everyone to celebrate the victory of Ukraine in the village of Borova.