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war story

Philadelphia, United States - Nov 17, 2022

What is the price of peace of mind

By Martin Dawson

Philadelphia, United States ,
Nov 17, 2022

My name is Martin. I’m British and live in the US. When war broke out in Ukraine I watched as the country rallied, and the government called on everyone to defend the country. I wondered how long it would be before they asked for foreign volunteers, and began to ready myself full in the knowledge I’d go.

I am trying to figure out a plan to raise money for more drones.

In April I quit my job and started talking to volunteers already in Ukraine, finding out what was needed and where I could be best utilized. Over the next four months I gathered equipment and went to Ukraine to work as a volunteer instructor.
I have since spent over $20,000 of my own money to provide drones, field equipment and medical supplies. I’m at a point where I can no longer afford to do this. Even though there are fundraising events in place for such things, there is never enough to go around. I am trying to figure out a plan to raise money for more drones.

Mariia Minieieva


Stop for the Night
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