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Bogdan and Dmitry Girich

FROM Kyiv, Ukraine

If not me, and not those like me, then who?

read a story about Bogdan and Dmitry Girich

We, twin brothers Bogdan and Dmytry Girich, have been helping the population and the military since the first day of Russia's war against Ukraine. 
What motivated us? When your future child asks: "Dad, what did you do during the war?" We want to proudly say: "We actively helped everyone so that our country could defeat injustice and aggression!" Some people pick up a machine gun, some join in with financial support, but we decided to help as volunteers.
Thanks to caring people, we raised funds for two cars, which we have been using for 6 months to deliver humanitarian aid to war-affected places and transport affected families. We have teamed up with doctors and psychologists and transport them to cities where the sick and wounded are.
Our third brother is in the army. He did not try to hide, to invent various reasons not to go to the front. Although he has small children, he simply said: "If not me, and not those like me, then who?"