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war story

Opava, Chec Republic - Aug 28, 2022

At the beginning

By Oksana Astapovych

Opava, Chec Republic ,
Aug 28, 2022

aiI was born in Kharkiv. And there I had everything: my family, my house, my work, my friends.... But one day one mad man Putin decided to "save" me and all Ukrainians.....
aiMy family stayed at home in the first days. I felt hopeless much of the time. You read news, hear explosions, call your friends and relatives all the time. But you don't know what you have to say to your 10 year old son when he asks: "We do nothing bad, why are the Russians coming here and trying to destroy our city?"

We have to stay alive...... The question HOW ARE YOU? became a question of life or death.

aiI closed all the windows in our house to be safer. But my younger son still decided to live in the bathroom. He was tired of running there when we heard explosions. And when I was afraid, he calmed me down, he turned on relaxing music for me. Tears filled my eyes at that moment.
aiWe couldn't plan anything in those days. We said to each other: we have to wait until the evening, we have to wait until the next morning, we have to stay alive...... The question HOW ARE YOU? became a question of life or death.
aiBut when I saw how was bombed out our regional administration was, I understood the word DENAZIFICATION. And I decided to leave my home with my children.

Olena Skala Skaletska


Attack on Kharkiv. TV station stopped broadcasting
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