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war story

Holland, Zoetermeer - Oct 26, 2022

Attack on Kharkiv, TV station stopped broadcasting

By Olena Skala Skaletska

Holland, Zoetermeer,
Oct 26, 2022

aiOlena Skaletska, a well-known TV presenter from Kharkiv, director of the "Simon" TC. Guns 24.02.22.
aiYou can't wake her up with a gun. This is about me. So it was... until February 24, 2022. Five in the morning. I heard them immediately. It was a low, continuous hum, whistling, rumbling, as if something terrible, inevitable, was moving from the depths of the earth and would soon swallow me up. And then I looked out the window. The whole horizon was on fire.
aiWar. And all energy, will disappeared somewhere. We didn't live in situations like those couch potato experts who gave advice on where to run and where to hide. No one wanted to believe that it would begin. The rescue plan had to be created by oneself. And I went to wash the dishes.

The whole horizon was on fire. War. And all energy, will disappeared somewhere.

aiWe live in Zhuky (the name of the housing estate), next to the district road in Kharkiv. The border with Russia is 35 km from us. This was the traditional training route of our cyclists. Before the war. Life was divided before the war and after... My operator lived not far from me in the next block. His house overlooked the fields of the district. Six in the morning. Kolya calls: "Elena, I see tanks. They are coming in our direction."
aiNow the people of Kharkiv can determine the type of rocket by the sound and almost do not react. And then it seemed like all the rockets were flying at my windows. I wanted to bury myself in the deepest trench in order not to hear these sounds and explosions. There was no air alarm in the first days. They said something was broken because it wasn't buzzing. Most likely, she was simply not ready, as well as the bomb shelters in the city, and all of us.
aiIn the first hours, TV did not talk about the war. Everything was online. Our channel broadcast Malevich's square, i.e. black square. It meant: sorry, technical problems. We are still not on the air. In the 30th year of its life, the round-the-clock broadcasting of the Kharkiv television and radio company "Simon" was interrupted by the war.

Yaroslav Kryvoruchenko


2022 in Ukraine
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