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war story

Schulenberg, Germany - Nov 15, 2022


By Oksana Astapovych

Schulenberg, Germany ,
Nov 15, 2022

aiThe Russian agression changed all of us. I have seen a lot during these 265 days.
aiI have seen tears in my husband's eyes when he left me and our two sons at Kropivnitsky and returned to Kharkiv at March 2022. My 18-year old began his new life in Kropivnitsky. And I and my younger 10-year old son began our trip to Europe. I was crying as we passed through all the Ukrainian cities and towns. I left half of my family in Ukraine, my heart was broken. 
aiLater I saw a lot of people with children and pets at railway and bus stations, all of them were confused and depressed. In Lviv we were staying at school and there I saw people from Irpin. They didn't want to eat, to speak, to smile. They seemed lifeless.
aiWe arrived in Czech Republic. in the middl of March 2022. There I worked in a blinds and roller shades factory and my son began to go to school. My work was very hard physically and some of our Ukrainian women were fired and lost their rooms in the hostel.

Hard to be alone in another country. Now we are starting another new life in another one. Who knows what's next!

aiI could see a lot of different women around me: accountants, managers, engineers. But now all of us were factory workers. 
aiEven 18-year-old girls were working there. One of them, Nastya was alone in Czech Republic. She came from Kharkiv, but all her family: mother, father, sister were in Poltava, in Ukraine. Nastya is a student of Kharkiv institute and she had to study online and work at the same time. We became friends, it's to hard to be alone in another country. I helped Nastya with her Math and Chemistry courses and she helped my son do his homework. 
aiBut summer 2022 is over and our work in the blinds factory too... We were fired. Nastya went to another factory there. I and my son traveled back to Kropivnitsky in Ukraine to see our family for three days. We didn`t see each other for a 6 month because of war.
aiAnd now I and my younger son are in Germany... We start "another new life". What's next....who knows???

Karina Dubyniuk


Military Spring
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