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war story

Germany - Oct 20, 2023

Completely and

 inevitably changed

By Yana Kosinova-Zhukovska

Oct 20, 2023

aiFor the first six months in Germany, I was afraid to be out in the open. When I had to go outside I tried to walk as close to the buildings as possible - so I didn’t feel like a “target”. At night I dreamed of shelling: a recurring dream of a plane dropping a bomb on my house. My last thought was always “this is the end”.
aiOne day, I was sitting in the kitchen and heard a jet  roaring in the sky. Mentally, I knew I was safe, but the sound completely took me over. I rushed to the hallway and huddled in a corner. My body was shaking... Then I burst into tears.
aiDuring this period, I began to experience breathing problems. I couldn't take a breath and this occurred almost the entire day. I stopped attending language courses, walking 2.5 km was hell. I was sure that something terrible was happening to my body and that I would soon die and therefore never return home. This is not an exaggeration.

My therapist tried to convince me that being here in Germany I was already safe, and he almost succeeded

aiA psychiatrist diagnosed me with post-traumatic stress disorder, and a pneumonologist with nervous-related asthma... Now I, who have been involved in sports for many years and previously led an active lifestyle, have to consciously learn how to go out and be part of society.
aiThe most difficult thing for survivors of the war is to establish a basic sense of safety. My therapist tried to convince me that being here in Germany I was already safe, and he almost succeeded. But considering the current global situation, I understand there is no safe place in the human world if there is room for hatred and stupidity.
aiMy reality is completely and inevitably rebuilt. If at the beginning of the war I felt like a victim, now, accepting the inevitability of reality change, I know that I must fight and act as long as I breathe.

Alina Karnaukhova


The day I died with him
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