war story
Schulenberg, Germany - Jun 26, 2023
Many circles of hell
Many circles
of hell

aiAt first, you simply believe that everything is fine, that your relative will contact you soon. And you wait what seems like forever: a day, two, three.
aiThen you ask everyone who can possibly answer: "And how many days is considered the norm if a person on the front does not get in touch?" You ask this question to military friends, friends whose husbands are at war, volunteers who go to the front, Google...
Everyone is experiencing their own personal heartache, looking in the abyss of obscurity for their husband, son, father, brother, their dear one.
aiAnd after that, you simply find out how to search for someone who has disappeared during the war and methodically fill out all the forms required. At this time, the 18-year-old son of the missing person, together with the 76-year-old mother of the missing person, write a statement for the police and take a DNA test at the station.
aiYou receive answers from morgues, hospitals and clinics after long searches for phone numbers and attempts to call: according to documents and personal signs, not found in our department among known or unknown military personnel.
aiAnd then you connect to all Telegram channels for missing persons. There are many of them, each has 10,000 to 20,000 participants. And all these people are experiencing their own personal trouble, looking in this abyss of obscurity for someone dear to them, the only one: a son, a husband, a father, a brother. Many searching month after month.