war story
Ukraine - Jan 31, 2024
Forever yours
Forever yours
This is about
Victoria Lisanova

By Yana Kosinova-Zhukovska
Jan 31, 2024ai—painting and story by Victoria Lisanova
aiHe was My Hero every day, always. And he never got tired of showing his love. My Hero brought me sweets and flowers on every occassion, carried me home from the disco (because my legs were tired of dancing all night in heels), put his sweater on me when it was cold.
aiMy Hero showed me the constellations. Took a pregnant me on a sled in a middle of the night (well, that's what I wanted then) and plucked grapes from the neighbors every night (because again that's what I wanted and the stolen ones are tastier).
aiMy Hero was waiting for me at school to give me a cactus flower because he was afraid that it would wither by the evening. He ran his 'own' marathon from a nearby village just to see each other for 2 minutes, and put me on the bus to go to my training. My Hero got up every night to the children after they were born. He cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Went to buy my favorite coffee on January 1, in the early morning when everyone was still sleeping (twice, because the first one spilled under the house).
Let that girl in this picture continue to live, to remind me from time to time who I was with you. That I WAS!
aiMy Hero kissed me when he woke up, every time he had to go somewhere, and every time he came home. Every night I fell asleep in a warm, cozy and such a safe hug (and when it was so hot in the summer that it was impossible to hug, My Hero just held my hand all night).
aiAnd I am infinitely grateful that I could tell you "thank you" for all this, every day without waiting for a date on the calendar. That I understood then who you are for me, and not after the loss. I am glad that I had the opportunity to be grateful, that there were no unsaid words between us that I could regret. You have always been and will remain "My Hero, giving a piece of heaven."
aiAnd I will forever remain in your life the 17-year-old girl you fell in love with. Who wrapped herself in your arms like the warmest of blankets in the coldest winters. Who disappeared on September 18, 2022. Let that girl in this picture continue to live, to remind me from time to time who I was with you. That I WAS! That I did not dream it up.
aiI love you beyond time, space, dimension. You are always in my heart ♥