war story
Ukraine, Kharkiv, Donbas - Jan 19, 2024
Vlas Lisnyi call sign Yol -1
Vlas Lisnyi
call sign Yol -1

aiVlas Lisnyi chose "Yol" as his call sign in honor of his daughter.
ai"I joined the ranks of the Armed forces because I want a peaceful sky to prevail over our Ukraine, so if people leave for another country it is on their own initiative and not because of fear for their lives." Vlas explained his decision to defend his native country.
aiVlas Lisnyi was born on January 24, 1989 in Germany, in the city of Weimar, where his military father served. Later the family moved to Ukraine: first to Vinnytsia, then to Kharkiv where they settled. While going to school in Kharkiv the boy also worked – doing repairs. After high school he studied at the National University of Construction and Architecture (Kharkiv), graduating in 2011. He became a civil engineer and worked at the Central Design Institute, later in construction.
aiSoon Vlas became interested in information technologies and, after completing the training courses, he worked as a project manager in several IT companies. His last job was with Wirex R&D where he quickly moved up the ranks and became domain coordinator.
aiIn 2013, an important event took place in Vlas's life: he married his beloved Victoria. Together they founded a private German language school where his wife taught and he was investor and ran operations.
I want a peaceful sky so if people leave it is on their own initiative not out of fear
aiSignificant events also took place in Lisnyi's public life. In 2013, he participated in the Kyiv and Kharkiv Euromaidans. And in 2014 when the separatists tried to seize the Kharkiv regional state administration, together with his comrades, he stood up for it. He and several defenders received blows to their head by the attackers. But the enemy forces were driven out and Ukrainian Kharkiv was defended.
aiIn 2013–2015, Vlas Lisny continued his studies at the Faculty of Sociology in V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, where he specialized in Media Communications.
aiIf the first years of married life were very difficult financially, then the next ones felt almost prosperous: Vlas made a good living in IT. He and his wife found new premises for their German language school. And they opened a small cafe for students and other visitors. Their ginger cat Kolega, who Victoria picked up at the bus stop, became the brand of their establishment.
aiIn 2020, their first daughter was born. She was given a rare name for Ukraine – Yolanda.
aiBut in 2021, things began to deteriorate. The cat of a teacher at their school was hit by a car. With this loss the joyful atmosphere in classes disappeared. Victoria became pregnant for the second time and could not pay much attention to work due to toxicosis. Later, the school and the cafe had to be closed.
aiVlas and Victoria found out that their new baby was likely to have Down Syndrome. Victoria later recalled: "I thought that this was the worst news in my life, I thought that the doctors were wrong. But Vlas took the news in stride. He made preparations to support our child's health, found various programs, read how some with the right therapy can even study at universities. My husband did not perceive the disorder as a problem."

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