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war story

Holland, Zoetermeer - Oct 26, 2022

Getting Settled in Poland

By Olena Skala Skaletska

Holland, Zoetermeer,
Oct 26, 2022

aiIt is not easy to start living a new life. At first, it's hard to accept that you don't have your house, a comfortable bed, your favorite cup of coffee in the morning, and the usual view from the window of a small park behind the house. You don't have to go to work, you don't have to rush to the makeup artist to make it to the air. And what about a meeting with my daughter, we were going to eat those delicious burgers at a cafe on Mayakovsky Street. And also mandatory massage and haircut of the dog.
aiOnce, on 24.02.22, this did not happen. My favorite singer Scriabin sang "How hard it is to live when you don't know what tomorrow will be." I still don't know... But I know for sure that the Poles are our soul mates. All doors opened to Mr. Weslaw Pietrzak. He has opened his heart to me. It is so important to feel understanding, support.

How hard it is to live when you don't know what tomorrow will be.

aiI just ended up in the big family of "Kolo Vengozhev". Where Khrystyna Pyatrovska found a wonderful veterinarian, Ms. Hanna, who treated my dog ​​for free. Veslava Chuhanska completely updated my wardrobe. You arrive in a warm suit, down jacket and sneakers, but it's already May in the yard, +15 and dandelions are blooming. Her daughter Yvonne's wardrobe was just in time. You rejoice in every blouse that suits you. 
aiYou're willing to kiss other moms for baby clothes and shoes for your baby because you don't have the money to buy everything. Everything remained there in the dismantled apartment, and with him only what he could take in his hands.
aiAnd you still have to try to speak a foreign language, draw up documents, agree on kindergarten for your son and school for your daughter, look for a job...

Olena Skala Skaletska


As I arrived in Poland I couldn't speak but I could...
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