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war story

Winnipeg, Canada - Dec 14, 2022

How do you like 

the city?

By Olha Zahoruiko

Winnipeg, Canada,
Dec 14, 2022

aiThe most difficult question for Ukrainians who have left. How do you like the city? Country? 
aiThe level of our life values is different now.
aiWe choose a place according to other criteria, we need to cover basic needs - survival, safety, a roof over our heads, earnings.
aiWe go where we can or where we are called and accepted. 

Imagine... you can't work, plan, cook, keep warm, and there's constant risk of a missile attack.

aiWe live by half, neither there nor here. The body is here, the soul is there, and the heart is totally broken. Learning to live with this. Memories of a peaceful life are like salt on a wound.
aiMany of us are waiting to be back. Many return impatiently. Many leave and do not return. Everyone has their own path, but the main thing for those who left is it was not a prepared emigration, but a forced path.
aiIt is safe here, there is work here, there is a place to live, and there is an opportunity to help your country and relatives. The answer to the question “do you like it?” will appear only when you manage to live the way you want and where you want, when the basic needs are filled and the next stage is your development. Then it will be possible to talk about like it or not.
aiIn Ukraine, many people do not even have the opportunity to choose, and many who left Ukraine and come back cannot return to their home - they choose now on the principle - where the electricity is cut off less often and there is the possibility of heating. 
aiJust try to imagine such a life. You can't work, plan, cook, keep warm and you are at continued risk of a missile attack. How long could you? And what if there is no way to leave and move? I guess that our feeling, inside as outside of Ukraine, is totally like this picture (my friend sent it to me)...

Olha Zahoruiko


7 months
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