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war story

Ukraine - Apr 26, 2024


By I am Ukrainian

Apr 26, 2024

aiAfter the bloody horrors of the First World War, humanity created the League of Nations. It was formed as an attempt to prevent new major wars and global conflicts. The League was based on a new approach to international relations: rejection of secret treaties between states, respect for sovereignty, resolution of  conflicts by diplomatic means, and collective punishment for military aggression.
aiOn 10 July 1919, Woodrow Wilson personally submitted a treaty to the Senate to establish the League of Nations: that is, the United States is one of its founders. However, due to internal political disputes the US never joined. The League of Nations turned out to be helpless in face of the aggressions that escalated into World War II. After the war it collapsed.
aiThe human losses and destruction of the Second World War were unimaginable.
aiOn 26 June 1945, at a conference in San Francisco, the countries that won the Second World War established the United Nations (UN). Its main goal was to maintain peace and prevent new bloodshed globally, strengthen security and cooperation between countries.
aiUkraine became one of the founding members of the UN. Representatives of the Ukrainian SSR participated in drafting the Charter, granted because my country suffered greatly from the Second World War. And now, the UN is the largest intergovernmental organization for maintaining peace and security and global cooperation. 
aiWhen I was a little girl, at the commemoration of the victims of the Second World War, we always said: "Never again." But it is happening AGAIN.
aiRussia's military aggression against Ukraine has been going on for 10 years... since Russia annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea in 2014.
aiThousands of victims, towns and villages destroyed to the ground. And more than 30,000 people are missing. Among them is a person close to me, whose whereabouts and fate we have been trying to secure for a year now, since the beginning of May 2023.

Ukraine's victory in this war will be the victory of universal human values, HUMAN RIGHTS over barbarism and uncivilization

aiMany government and volunteer organizations in Ukraine are trying to help families find out about the fate of their loved ones who went missing in connection with Russia's full-scale invasion. We also place great hope in international institutions, including the UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances. I submitted an application to this organization back in May 2023 but it has not yet been reviewed - there are a large number of applications.
aiToday, 26 April 2024, at an online meeting of relatives of those who have gone missing with a representative of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission, there was discussion of the search actions that have taken place up to now. This UN Working Group is also planning an offline meeting in Poland. Mothers, sisters and wives of the missing are buying tickets from Ukraine and other countries where they are forced refugees to go to the meeting. This is a multiple-day journey for many. Some even have to bring their children as they have no one to take care of them at home.
aiBut to the question of one woman: ‘Won't it just be a meeting for the sake of a meeting? Will it actually be effective in finding our relatives? Or will we be there just to entertain someone?’ 
aiThe answer was honest: "Don't expect a miracle..."  because: "Russia does not cooperate in the search... does not provide information about wanted people... does not allow representatives of the UN Working Group to enter its territory..."
aiAnother very frustrating surprise is, at the meeting in Poland, our Ukrainian women will have the opportunity to speak not in their native language but in English OR.... in Russian. For them, this is the language of the enemy, the aggressor, the language of the one who brought disaster to their home. I speak both of these languages but I am not at all happy about this rule. Well, I guess it's possible to give a speech in Arabic, Spanish, Chinese or French, the other official languages of the UN just like English and Russian.
aiWhat I took away from this meeting:
ai1. Russia does not observe the norms of international law and recognizes only the 'right of the strong.'
ai2. I am not sure about the effectiveness of international organizations.
ai3. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who declared as early as the 19th century that "a treaty with Russia is not worth the paper it is written on" was right.
ai4. Ukraine's victory in this war will be the victory of universal human values, HUMAN RIGHTS over barbarism and uncivilization.


Yana Kosinova-Zhukovska


A little girl of  an indomitable woman
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