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war story

Kharkiv, Ukraine - Apr 11, 2024


By Yana Kosinova-Zhukovska

Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Apr 11, 2024

aiOnce I was watching Russian aircraft destroy Aleppo, now I am watching Russian missiles and bombs destroy my Kharkiv.
aiUnpunished evil always comes back.
aiMilitary experts and monitors tell me there is no way they can save my city. And the terrorist army knows this, having taken Kharkiv residents as hostages and left the city and the region without electricity. Russians continue to bomb civilians every day.
aiI would like other countries to realize what "destroyed critical energy structure" really means to us...
aiThe absence of power supply means the death of vulnerable people: the elderly, those with disabilities. To get to the shop, people now need to go down the stairs of their high-rise buildings, the elevator cannot run... But if they have a heart condition or use a wheelchair? If there is no one to take care of such people, we must understand that they die in their homes.
aiChildren who cannot go to their schools and young people who cannot go to their universities because of the danger of bombing since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, often cannot study online either. They need electricity to do this. The terrorists deprive them of a happy childhood and the opportunity to get an education.
ai***Now they are learning to identify by sound what type of weapon is flying overhead bringing death to their city and how to apply a tourniquet if they are wounded.
aiOperating rooms are powered by generators.
aiUnemployment, lack of money for food...

If the free world allows the second major city of 1.5 million to become a second Aleppo then who will be next?

aiFood spoiling because refrigerators do not work for hours.
aiInability to shower for several days after shelling.
aiConstant lack of sleep from the noise of missiles, explosions, sirens, and stress.
aiAnd the list continues...
aiThe gradual death of  populations near the border with the terrorist state.
aiKharkiv residents are keeping themselves together and they are asking: "Who are we all here? Idealists? Optimists? Or just suicide vigilantes?" Time will tell.
aia Kharkiv taxi driver takes two sausages in his pocket as he drives at night "so that the dogs can find him faster under the rubble." And yes, he continues to work.
aiIf the free world allows the second major city of a country directly adjacent to European countries, with a population of close to 1.5 million, to become a second Aleppo then whose city will be next? Because...
ai                        unpunished evil always comes back!

aiAll photos were taken by Kharkiv photographer Volodymyr Ogloblin and used with consent from his photo album "Out of Time... Palace of Labor. Kharkiv."
 03.03.2022, 27.07.2022

I am Ukrainian


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