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war story

Winnipeg, Canada - Aug 12, 2022

Rituals that help to live

By Olha Zahoruiko

Winnipeg, Canada,
Aug 12, 2022

What helps you cope when you're away from home, and especially with the realization that you don't know when you'll get back, if you will, if the house isn’t bombed – rituals. Eating, reading, habits you can implement in your new life.
I wake up every morning and have this constant daily mind circle: what am I doing in Canada – I can’t go home yet – I HAVE to adapt here. There's no other way out yet.
I used to make coffee in my house in a copper pot and go out into the garden, listen to the birds, watch the sunrise, now just in a pot but at least not in the hotel. I almost have my own personal space :-).
Coffee is an essential part of my morning ritual and it saves me.
Other daily rituals:
- Remembering and writing down dreams
- Writing down what I am grateful to the universe for

I can spend a lot of time thinking about the past and future. As soon as I notice, I fix my attention on what I’m doing now.

- Planning my day
- Doing yoga or qigong
- Meditation
- Doing visualization or ancient Tibetan or Chinese practices.
🌜In the evening I write down the good things of the day (successes, what could have been better, good deeds, my pleasures) and meditate.
Most important to check from time to time – where are your thoughts and to be in moment. You can be a long time in the past or future instead of now. As soon as I find myself in my thoughts, I fix my attention on what I’m doing now.
When I am lazy and skip, I immediately feel the result ☹️ - disbalance of emotions. The last 5 months' rituals for sure were not regular, but at least starting to do them again does help a lot.

Nataliia Ponomarenko


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