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war story

Ukraine - Jan 26, 2024

Sails of Hope

This is about

Tatyana and Andriy

By Yana Kosinova-Zhukovska

Jan 26, 2024

ai- Written by Tatiana Thoruk -
aiMy husband Andriy Thoruk and I lived together for 32 years. It's so little because we could live together just as long. But this is a lot, and I am infinitely grateful to God for this, because over the years we have experienced many valuable and unforgettable moments.
aiWe were always together. We spent vacations together and in recent years worked together, raised children together, played sports together, went to church together, served in Sunday school together in church, talked a lot and solved family problems together.
aiWe raised two wonderful sons, Dmytro and Oleksiy, and managed to celebrate together at the wedding of the eldest son. The youngest was 13 years old at the beginning of the war.

I named my painting "Sails of Hope". And my ship is still on its way to the place where I will meet my beloved husband.

aiWhen the war started, Andriy took us from Kyiv to Western Ukraine. There he entered the army and joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For exactly six months from March 6 to September 5, 2022, he served as a signalman in the 68th separate hunting brigade named after Oleksy Dovbush in the Donetsk region.
aiAndriy was older than all the boys, most of whom were 30-35 years old (like our eldest son). They later told me that Andriy was like a father to them - he always supported everyone, was calm, patient, and wise. And he also told everyone around about God and eternal life. Andriy was a deeply religious man, he even had the nickname Chaplain...
aiOn September 5, 2022, an enemy missile took Andrii's life and, together with him, the lives of 12 of his fellow signalmen - young, talented, responsible and courageous men...
aiAndriy loved the sea and sailing. He knew how to do it because he had been practicing in the sea club for a long time. Our most unforgettable vacation was a two-week trip on the Dnipro on a sailboat.
aiI named my painting "Sails of Hope" because I believe that Andriy is alive and now with God in Heaven. And my ship is still on its way to the place where I will meet my beloved husband.

Lev Boiko


Sport  in time of war
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