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war story

Vovchansk, Ukraine - May 15, 2024

Vovchansk is a city of life which Russia is turning into ruins

By Ilona Batulina

Vovchansk, Ukraine,
May 15, 2024

aiI am 20 years old, 18 of which I lived in Vovchansk. Right now, the city is suffering from massive shelling by Russia who uses "scorched earth" tactics in order to purposely destroy everything.
aiVovchansk was occupied on the first day of the full-scale invasion because the border with the enemy is only 5 kilometers away.
aiThe first thing the occupiers did was hang their tricolor flag in our central square and then they continued to destroy all Ukrainian symbols.

At the time when I left occupied Vovchansk, there was only one way out - through Russia.

aiRussia sees a special danger in books written in Ukrainian because the goal of the occupier is to eradicate everything related to Ukraine. That is why, fleeing from the occupation, I could not take my books. In case of inspection by the Russian special services, I would have had a lot of problems.
aiThe one Ukrainian keepsake that I did sneak out was a blue and yellow ribbon pushed carefully into a hidden compartment of my wallet.
aiAt the time when I left occupied Vovchansk, there was only one way out - through Russia.
aiThe road to Kharkiv was very dangerous - the enemy was literally shooting at convoys of cars that were evacuating civilians, filled with many children, women, and seniors. These people just wanted to escape from everything Russian. They wanted to be a part of Ukraine.

My books which I had to leave at home.

The blue-yellow ribbon that overcame the occupation with me.

A Kalyna covered with the cold of occupation. Vovchansk, March 27, 2022.

Peaceful Vovchansk three weeks before the enemy comes. February 5, 2022.

A ginger cat who cheered me up in difficult times. 16 March 2022.

My books which I had to leave at home.

The blue-yellow ribbon that overcame the occupation with me.

A Kalyna covered with the cold of occupation. Vovchansk, March 27, 2022.

Ilona Batulina


The hard way to freedom
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