war story
Germany \ Ukraine - Jan 22, 2025
Strength of Will and Perseverance: The Story of a Young Volunteer from Germany
Strength of Will and Perseverance:
The Story of a Young Volunteer from Germany
This is about
Ruben Mawick

aiIn the midst of the war in Ukraine, tens of thousands of volunteers from around the world are risking their lives to help those in greatest need.
aiOne of them is Ruben from Germany, who worked as a medic and delivered humanitarian aid near the front lines. In the fall of 2023, a Russian attack forever changed his life, leaving him with severe injuries and claiming the lives of his friends.
aiDespite his experiences, Ruben continues to support Ukraine, raising funds and preparing to return to the front lines where risk and bravery converge in the fight for freedom.
aiThe Decision to Act
aiThe Decision to Act
aiThe decisive moment was when the war broke out. However, it took a lot of time to find a organization that I could trust.
aiMy motivation is that I believe in a just Europe. We are taught "never again." For me, "never again" is now.
aiSupport from Family and Friends
aiSupport from Family and Friends
aiIt was difficult for my friends and family to let me go, but they had great respect for my decision.
aiFundraising and Educating
aiFundraising and Educating
aiYou mentioned in your social media that you are preparing lectures that are also aimed at raising donations. What is the main topic, what kind of reaction do you get from the audience?
aiI give these lectures to raise more donations. It's a very simple principle: you can directly interact with people. Usually, there are about 30 who can ask good questions. I can speak freely and give candid insight into the conflict and my experiences, which is much better than any online fundraiser.
aiThe idea for this came last year in August 2023. At that time, I was contacted by a group – this was before the actual attack where I was injured.
aiCurrent Focus
aiCurrent Focus
aiCurrently, I am working on further shipments to Ukraine for my own projects, such as evacuations, but also on a larger scale with additional arms deliveries from Germany.
aiThe Importance of Being Present
aiThe Importance of Being Present
aiIn February 2025, I will return because the war has simply not stopped. The war continues, and people still need help.
aiMy motivation remains the same: Innocent people are being killed, countless others are injured, and I know I can help – so I must help. That’s why I will go back in February 2025. This way, I feel helplful, because I am simply on the ground.
aiEven though I know the work I do in Germany is important, it naturally feels better to be there in person – with the Ukrainians.
For me "never again" is now.
aiMemories and Inspiration
aiMemories and Inspiration
aiOf course there are days, especially after the attack when I lost two friends, which have stayed with me very strongly. And there are other days and stories from civilians I’ve experienced that I have to keep thinking about.
aiYou learn to cope with both. War has become a normal state for me. The memories of war remain, but you find ways to deal with them. On bad days, I know what I need to do to become happy again: talking to friends, relaxing, finding peace. These moments are especially important to me.
aiA Vision for Change
aiA Vision for Change
aiDo you think young people can really make a difference in the world?
aiI fully believe that the younger generation in Europe and in Ukraine is capable of being at the forefront of change.
aiPrevious generations have already done this, and the understanding of democracy among young people is very developed, although not yet fully entrenched.
aiThere are significant differences from country to country. For example, in Ukraine, people are better informed than in Germany and understand much better what the true price of freedom really means.
aiWhy Supporting Ukraine Matters
aiWhy Supporting Ukraine Matters
aiIt is actually very simple – even from an egoistic perspective.
aiWe must support Ukraine because they are fighting the battle we don’t want to fight in five years. If Russia is defeated in Ukraine, there will be no danger of being attacked by Russia ourselves in five or ten years. This would no longer be possible.
aiFurthermore, it’s about humanity. Ukraine is defending not only itself, but also our values such as democracy, freedom, independent thinking, free press, and more. Defending these values is reason enough to support Ukraine.
aiDefining Values and Goals
aiDefining Values and Goals
aiWhat values and goals define you and your commitment as a person?
aiMy goals are simple: to save as many lives as possible. And my values are clear: democracy, freedom, equality – all of these things.
aiRuben’s story is an example of incredible courage and self-sacrifice. His experience reminds us that war is not only a tragedy but also a space where the best of humanity can shine through. Despite the pain and loss, he continues to fight for Ukraine’s freedom, showing how crucial support is in difficult times.
aiRuben inspires us not to remain indifferent, reminding us that every action, every form of help – no matter how small – is a step toward victory, the defense of democratic values, and humanity.
aiHis example proves that true strength is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act despite it.
aiI chose to write about Ruben’s story because his dedication and efforts deserve recognition, and because I am inspired to make a difference too.
aiIn a world where war may feel distant for many, our understanding and active participation remind us that this war concerns all of us, and everyone can do something to help.
aiIn a world where war may feel distant for many, our understanding and active participation remind us that this war concerns all of us, and everyone can do something to help.

Evacuation of the injured

Evacuation of the injured
Ruben survives the Russian attack, but his friends lose their lives - Emma from Spain and Tonko from Canada.
German volunteer wounded in the Ukraine war
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Ruben`s Instagram
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Аuthor's Instagram
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