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war story

Vushgorod, Kiev region, Ukraine - Sep 5, 2022

The first stop 

Central Ukraine

By Nataliia Ponomarenko

Vushgorod, Kiev region, Ukraine,
Sep 5, 2022

aiOur journey began... We were very lucky that we were one of the first to leave Kyiv and did not experience the horror of traffic jams for hundreds of kilometers. 
aiOur first stop was Korsun- Shevchenkivskyi, where the mother of my best friend lives. We came to aunt Galya and uncle Kolya, extraordinary people. Aunt Galya took in not only us but also the family of her husband's friends whom she did not know at all. She coocked and fed everyone. I am very grateful to them!
aiThen my husband and I went to buy supplies. It was impossible to get to the gas station, the queues were kilometers long. People cursed and fought if someone wanted to get in without waiting in line. There was also a queue at the pharmacy, but the situation was a little better there. An hour and a half of waiting and we were able to buy Nurofen for the children, blood pressure medicine, sedatives, etc.
aiAfter returning, my husband and I went for a walk to the Ros River. I tried to breathe deeply, because it seemed to me that I was losing consciousness and my mind. 

I felt a burning sensation in my head and tried to calm down... when suddenly we squatted from a terrible sound

aiI felt the frantic pace of my pulse and a burning sensation in my head. I was trying to calm down... when suddenly we dropped to the ground together from a terrible noise. A fighter jet flew right above us... it made a circle, a second, a third...
aiI covered my ears with my hands and screamed((( My husband dragged me into an unfinished house on the bank of the river and there we waited for the plane to leave... I don't know if it was ours or the enemy's... but when your country's being bombed and shelled, for my fear there was no difference.
aiMy hands were shaking... a few hours had passed since the invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine, and it seemed like an eternity... 
aiNow after the fighter jet, even central Ukraine seemed dangerous to me, and we decided to go further, to West, to Volyn...

Vasil Astapovych


Pain from Russian Propaganda
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