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Bucharest, Romania - Jun 10, 2022

Travel to Bucharest

By Mariia Minieieva

Bucharest, Romania,
Jun 10, 2022

aiLast weekend I traveled to Bucharest, Romania for my student visa interview. I’ve never been to Romania before, therefore it was a new experience for me. The first day I arrived I didn’t get to observe the city center. However, the suburban area impressed me with how green it was. I was staying in a quiet place with a park and a shop nearby. 

Despite Romania being the cheapest European country, in comparison with Ukraine, the prices seemed to me cosmic

aiThe next day I had my interview and, after it, we decided to go to a huge shopping mall. On the way, the infrastructure of the city surprised me. In my opinion, it’s ill-conceived for people. My route to the biggest mall in the capital lay across a busy roadway with no crossings for pedestrians. In addition, in the middle of the city, I saw many unkempt patches of trees and greenery. There are almost no sights in Bucharest, except for the zoo that I liked. 
aiDespite Romania being the cheapest European country, in comparison with Ukraine, the prices seemed to me cosmic: $4.50 for a coffee which costs $1.50 in Ukraine.

Mariia Minieieva


Differences between Ukraine and Turkey
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