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war story

Opava, Chec Republic - Sep 13, 2022

Ukrainian school from Kharkiv today

By Oksana Astapovych

Opava, Chec Republic,
Sep 13, 2022

aiUPDATED August 2023
aiI am in the Czech Republic with my youngest 11-year-old son. It's September 2022.
aiMy son went to school in Kharkiv when the war started. Starting at the end of March, he went to a Czech school. They gladly accepted him and several other Ukrainian children, for which I am infinitely grateful. 
aiBut my son kept repeating that he will go to HIS school on September 1. And that's exactly what we did after much hesitation. Yehor is now studying online with Ukrainian teachers and classmates at the Kharkiv Private Collegium.
aiKharkiv teachers who are finding strength and inspiration to teach (at a high level!) in these war circumstances cause me great respect.

I bow low to all Ukrainian teachers who continue to hold classes for all Ukrainian children - in their home city and wherever they are living now.

aiFor example, Shakhova Olha Viktorivna, Ukrainian language and literature teacher had the resilience and desire not only to finish the school year but also to provide psychological help for the children. She met with students from our and other schools on ZOOM throughout the summer! Shakhova Olha Viktorivna lives in Dergachy, Kharkiv region. The children are in Ukraine and Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, the Netherlands... many countries they moved to with their mothers.
aiI cried for the first time when I heard our native language lesson on September 1, 2022. And I just happened to hear the beginning of the school day - it begins with a moment of silence for those who died in this war. After that, the teacher told the children that she understood why not everyone did their homework, because not everywhere in Kharkiv has light.....
aiNext, direct quote: "But we are infinitely grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the liberation of our settlements. The enemy is intimidating our city, but we are strong, because we are Ukrainians! Take care of yourself and your relatives..."
aiI bow low to all Ukrainian teachers who continue to hold classes for all Ukrainian children - in their city and also spread across many other countries. Children are our future, the future of Ukraine!
aiI wrote this post a year ago. On August 17, 2023 my now 12-year-old son started his year in a German school. AND, from September 1, he will begin the 7th grade online at Kharkiv Collegium. 
aiYehor's older brother is going to University in Kharkiv where he lives with his father, my husband. Our family is together in spirit and apart physically. Yehor's uncle is missing and in our hearts every moment. Life must go on. Learning too.

Olha Zahoruiko


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