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war story

Germany, Schulenberg - Feb 24, 2023

Ukrainian volunteers

By Oksana Astapovych

Germany, Schulenberg ,
Feb 24, 2023

aiOne year has passed since the full-scale Russian aggression began. Unfortunately, nobody can know when Ukrainian victory will come. Ukraine is fighting and Ukrainian, as well as foreign, volunteers and responders have a great impact on the outcome.
aiThese volunteering activities have been going on since 2013, when caring people were helping those who were fighting for our democracy and freedom then. Volunteering didn’t stop but increased when Russia annexed Crimea and the war in Donbas started.
aiSome responders paid with their lives. On the site of the organization "Ukrainian volunteers killed by Russia" we can see information about 53 Ukrainian volunteers who were murdered. We know foreign responders have died and were wounded because of Russian aggression as well.
aiFeb 2023 polls show that 51% of Ukrainians are still donating money regularly or from time to time to charity funds. The most common purpose is for the military and humanitarian aid. Donations for civilians and pets are less. 
aiTwelve percent of Ukrainians who were interviewed are collecting money for the military, delivering humanitarian aid to them, weaving camouflage nets for the front, etc.

Some responders paid with their lives. If Russia stops shooting, there will be peace, if Ukraine stops shooting, there will be no Ukraine.

aiNow, since the full-scale Russian invasion, almost every Ukrainian joins in volunteering in some way or another. People donate their blood for the wounded. Old people donate their savings for the responders. Ukrainian children sing songs and play on musical instruments. Young girls cut their long hair and donate the money they receive. Diaspora Ukrainians in different countries join the volunteering activities too.
aiBut the war has had its negative impact on Ukrainian people's wellbeing: 77% of Ukrainians are declaring a decrease of their income since 24.02.2022, 34% lost their jobs. Ukrainian statistics service informs that prices for products have increased by 22.7% in 2022.
aiPolls also show that nearly 90-95% of Ukrainians believe in our victory. And, most people understand how difficult it will be to rebuild Ukraine: all cities, towns, villages; economy, education, infrastructure.
aiWe see and feel the powerful support of the democratic world. And, we clearly understand Petro Poroshenko’s statement at the NATO summit in February 2022: 
ai"If Russia stops shooting, there will be peace, if Ukraine stops shooting, there will be no Ukraine."

Olha Zahoruiko


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