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war story

Lviv, Ukraine - Sep 8, 2022

War and Meditation

By Volodymyr Mashkevych

Lviv, Ukraine,
Sep 8, 2022

You can read books about the war, watch movies on this topic, but only after experiencing this experience in person will you understand that these third-person presentations are far from reality.
"War is merciless." I understood why Death is depicted with a scythe. Only during war, mass murders, do you begin to feel the helplessness of a person before its sharp blade.
And uncertainty is ever-present. The future is unknown, unpredictable, all plans collapsed with the first shot in February. Everyone lives one day at a time because "tomorrow can fly." People who have moved away from the fighting to another part of the country are not sure that tomorrow it could start right outside their window again. Savings quickly run out, and this takes away the hope of a comfortable future.

Only during war, mass murders, do you feel the helplessness of a person before the scythe's sharp blade.

And fear that comes from the depths of our being. The self-preservation instinct does not pay attention to our "positive thinking" exercises or attempts to distract ourselves from what is happening. Every morning, opening your eyes, you realize with horror that you have returned to the reality of war.
Many of my friends have returned to their meditation practice. Even those who once decided that it does not help them in everyday life. Now they find in meditation an opportunity to face their fears, anger, resentments, continuing to observe their manifestation in body and mind, freeing them from repressions.
War is a test. We cannot postpone our meditation until tomorrow or the weekend when we have more time. After all, we cannot push aside our destructive feelings for later. We are living it right here and now. And the only thing you can rely on in this rapidly changing world is: Awareness.

Olha Zahoruiko


Life in war time
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