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war story

Chernigiv, Ukraine - Sep 12, 2022

Life in war time

This is about

Julia Litvinenko

By Olha Zahoruiko

Chernigiv, Ukraine,
Sep 12, 2022

aiIn this photo of March 7 - the road to the west of Ukraine, the queue at a gas station, the only one that could be found along the way.
aiIn May, we returned home to Chernigiv, as soon as it became more or less safe. We saw a lot of destruction on the way and in our city. For about a month it was terrible to be at home, but then we got used to it.
aiNow in September 2022, we are trying to live a normal life. But we are not safe. Daily air raids, missile threats. And the worst thing is that there is no guarantee that the deranged Putin, desperate from failures in Ukraine, will not hit us with nuclear weapons...

We are trying to live a normal life but we have daily air raids, missile threats... a deranged Putin.

aiIt’s scary, but I don’t doubt the victory of Ukraine even by 1%. Victory will come, although I don't know when. I would like to believe that in 2023 all our territories will already be free, and we will all be safe. This is my personal prediction.
aiThe biggest shock and pain for me personally during this half a year is child abuse, sexual abuse of 8, 5 and even 2-year-olds. It is impossible to understand the misunderstanding and pain of these innocent young children. 
aiIn the first days of the war, I told my parents to stay at home with my children, and my husband and I would go to defend the city, I didn’t know then what nonhuman behavior Russians were capable of...

Oksana Astapovych


Ukrainian school from Kharkiv: today
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