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war story

Kharkiv - Jun 14, 2022

Helping in the shelter. 

My wife.

By Pavlo Kushtym

Jun 14, 2022

aiFrom the beginning of our stay in the shelter, from the first day when I built the structure there, the tasks and responsibilities were getting more and more every day. Providing food, water, and heat was very important at the time, but as it turned out, the most difficult area was medicine!
aiThis is the most painful problem. Pharmacies and hospitals are not working, diversionary and reconnaissance groups have stormed into Kharkiv, the city is being shelled, bombed by aircraft, and street battles are going on. There are people who are sick and will not survive without medicine, many elderly people with chronic diseases. In total, there are 600 people, and everyone has their own illnesses and problems.
aiAnd my wife Marina took over this very important task. Communication with everyone, identifying problems for everyone, logistics and accounting, going to the doctor to help identify problems in the seniors.
aiI connected with friends from the volunteer headquarters, which consisted of cultural activists and friends of theirs. They had a person responsible for the logistics of medicines, and I got my wife in touch with him. It was very important for me to entrust such a responsible business as medicine to a person I trusted who would definitely do it.

She ruined her eyesight, reading instructions for analog drugs that volunteers then brought from all over Europe.

aiIt's not just words and emotions, I knew it for sure because I know my wife, we participated in tenders together. I know how attentive she is to details and how persistent she is!
aiSo you can better understand her perseverance. Before the war in 2021, Maryna was organizing the improvement of the area where we live. These are recreational areas for families, and it's simple to lay asphalt somewhere, install trash cans, and pretty much everything else.
aiShe conducted a dialogue and coordinated actions with local activists and government officials. More than 300 signatures of local residents were collected. Everything was already planned and agreed upon, and everyone was supposed to start working in 2022, but ... The place where the recreation area was planned was hit by 6 MLRS and several cluster munitions, and the "Russian piece" made corrections.
aiIn the shelter, my wife helped me in the first two most difficult months and did an extremely important and difficult job. She knew all the people and their diseases. Then she ruined her eyesight reading the instructions to the analogues of the drugs that the volunteers were looking for and bringing from all over Europe, tracking them by torchlight. Being under fire all the time is very difficult and scary. That's why she is now in Poland, safe, has found a job, rents her apartment, and is completely self-sufficient.
aiThere is no other way for Ukraine but to win, and soon we will be building our future and the future of our country together again.

Oksana Astapovych


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