war story
Schulenberg. Germany - Aug 16, 2023
Discussion group

aiSometimes, more often late in the evening, Telegram channels for people who went missing in this war break the cries of someone's soul. "Where are you, my dear?" ... "Why did I let you go? Where can I look for you?" … "How should I continue to live?"
aiIt is difficult for people to carry this cross. And those around you in everyday life are sometimes unable to understand your pain, sometimes touch your soul with dirty hands and not always appropriate words.
aiAnd how to deal with it?
aiOne wise girl, the administrator of one of these Telegram channels, created a separate "Discussion group". It is incredible!
And while you wait, don't waste time, because it is so fleeting. Act boldly!
aiHere, girls and women can share their anxieties, hopes and expectations. This is a space where everyone is united by one problem and one goal - to find their relatives.
aiIn addition, thanks to this group, you can learn new recipes for various delicacies, admire masterpieces of beading and handmade crafts, see incredible sunrises and sunsets in different places of my Ukraine. And many other things that give you strength and desire to live.
aiIt impressed me how some girls are learning to drive and go for their driver's license exams. I take heart in the words of a wonderful woman who is looking for her missing son:
ai"My son's girlfriend is learning to drive. Today I went for a ride with her for the first time. Girls, learn everything you can. Driving or any other courses. Set goals and go for them, now you have no one to rely on. You all have to be strong because you have to survive, raise your children. I wish you all the same as myself - to hold open for your loved ones! And while you wait, don't waste time, because it is so fleeting. Act boldly!

Sunrise somewhere in Ukraine

Moon in the sky - somewhere in Ukraine

sunset somewhere in Ukraine