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war story

Kup`yansk, Kharkiv region - Nov 7, 2023

I am staying to save 

the animals

By Oksana Astapovych

Kup`yansk, Kharkiv region,
Nov 7, 2023

aiMy name is Victoriia Kruchina. I am an animal protection volunteer, head of the charity organization "Ray of Mercy" in Kup`yansk, Ukraine. The city is about 120 kilometers southeast of Kharkiv. After being occupied by Russian forces at the beginning of the full-scale invasion and de-occupied in September 2022, we are now again close to the dangerous front line.
aiI want to tell my story of volunteering during the war.
aiIn 2016, I created "Ray of Mercy" to stand against the capture and euthanasia of dogs in my city. We fought for the lives of stray animals. And we started sterilizing them with the help of charitable funding.
aiBy the beginning of 2017, our alternative program  was officially operating as a CSVR (Catch. Sterilize. Vaccinate. Release to their usual places of residence). And, due to our efforts, by the beginning of 2022, there were almost no unsterilized street dogs in my city. 
aiFurther, people changed their attitude towards animals. Before 2016-2017, it wasn't uncommon for those who fed strays on the street to be harassed. But by 2022, almost all residents fed the animals. And cruelty to dogs and cats was shamed.

The pets of those people who lives in their private yards were starving to death.

aiThen 02/24/2022 came. The war.
aiOn February 27, 2022, the Russian columns of tanks entered Kup`yansk. I didn't think to leave my city because I knew and still know - I have to be here. I will protect and rescue the vulnerable animals. And that's it. 
aiDuring the first month of occupation there was no transportion. The shops were closed. Food was scarce. Still some people managed to give the homeless dogs and cats something to eat. However, the pets of those people who lives in their private yards were threatened with starvation!
aiIt was necessary to act immediately. Urgently, people who had grains to sell were found. I  collected some money on SMM and we bought 45 kg bags -- 10, 20, 100 bags, even more. And we distributed them to residents for their animals.
aiI didn't know what would happen next. When the shops would start operating again, and if they would open at all. Nobody knew. That's why at first I distributed the bags of food. 
aiAnd this is the way the lives of so many dogs and cats were saved.









Yana Kosinova-Zhukovska


A girl with  pomegranates
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