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war story

Kup`yansk - Nov 7, 2023

The ray of mercy-deoccupation

By Oksana Astapovych

Nov 7, 2023

aiNext: life after deoccupation.
aiThe Russians still shelled the city like crazy. But there was no thought of leaving. Because I'm needed here.
aiPeople began to evacuate en masse. The animals remained.
aiLong forgotten wedding packs of homeless animals reappeared in the city. I was looking dumfounded at them and searching for a way out: how to sterilize in such a situation.
aiAnd I found it! And this when practically nothing was working yet. There was no transport connection with Kharkiv yet. There was mobile communication and internet, but very weak (as it is now).
aiBut with the help of good people, I managed to find a car, a veterinary clinic in Kharkiv, sponsors who paid for the sterilization. And I started taking animals for STERILIZATION in Kharkiv, starting in November 2022.
aiAnd in the beginning, it was like this: we are picking up the dogs, and incoming strikes break behind the car. Russian rockets are sticking everywhere out of the asphalt... And so on.

We are picking up the dogs, and incoming strikes break behind the car. Russian rockets are sticking everywhere out of the asphalt...

aiOf course, dogs continue to reproduce. This is because we have no way of knowing about all the abandoned dogs living in yards.
aiAfter liberation, since November 2022 to 2023, at first I did not count the number of animals we sterilized. But starting from February 21, 2023, I began to take certificates from the veterinary clinic about the number of sterilized animals and about those vaccinated against rabies.
aiStarting from February 21, 2023
aiWere sterilized:
aiFemale dogs- 229
aiMale dogs-7
aiFemale cats - 97
aiMale cats -21
aiNow imagine what it would be like if all these animals gave birth! How much their number in the city would increase and, of course, how the threat to their lives would increase! I mean, especially the life of dogs.
aiBesides, many animals were found to have tumors and other health problems. All of them were successfully operated on. And many animals are being operated on today. I take animals, dogs and cats, to a veterinary clinic in Kharkiv, with which I am currently cooperating. 
aiI rent a car for regular transportation. After all, in addition to sterilization and vaccination, I have to bring food for the animals of my city. There are many needs every day! Collecting money to pay for car rental is not a problem. The problem is that there are very few people left in my city now. And there are very few cars.
aiThe man whose car I rent refuses to drive in winter. And that is why we need a help

Tetiana Larina


Yara Angel of Fighters
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