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war story

Winnipeg, Canada - Aug 11, 2022

Our new reality

By Olha Zahoruiko

Winnipeg, Canada,
Aug 11, 2022

aiThe first three days were like one piece of time. Preparing the basement, making supplies. On the third day, we still managed to go to the store. When we were inside, there was a terrible explosion, everyone in line silently looked at each other...
aiCereals and flour were gone, we managed to find some meat. We got cookies and chocolate. While we were walking back, we heard more explosions. After that the horror really started, and we couldn't go to the store at all. Then we found out that nothing was being brought in until the humanitarian aid was sorted out.

For all the days, somewhere close, there were Grads bombarding

aiFor all the days we were home, somewhere above and not far from us, there were Grads bombarding the town. Six at a time - ssshhh, ssshhh.... they made a terrible whooshing sound. 
aiYou hear the sound of gunfire and then the explosion. Worse, you hear the flying out and, as you turn around towards the city, see where it fell, huge clouds of smoke rising up  over Kharkiv. 

Olha Zahoruiko


Basement first 3 days
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