war story
Holland, Zoetermeer - Nov 20, 2022
Roman Kashpur Athlete
Roman Kashpur

By Olena Skala Skaletska
Holland, Zoetermeer,
Nov 20, 2022aiRoman Kashpur fights on a prosthesis.
aiSix people like Roman, on prostheses, fought for Saltivka. Now three of them are part of the 92nd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Even without arms and legs, life goes on.
aiRoman Kashpur was blown up in 2019, as part of the "Right Sector" intelligence group. His friend Dmytro Herzhan took him to the doctors. I will get back on my feet and return to the front, such were the plans.
aiBut the death of the group commander Oleksandr Kolodyazhny and the wounding of his comrades postponed his return to the front for some time. And meeting Yulia made him think about a peaceful future and his own family.
aiRoman trains, participates in the "Games of Heroes", where adaptive athletes compete, sets national records. Proving to himself and others that even with missing legs and arms, life goes on.
Roman`s photo in Titanium Gallery on Youry Bilak
yourybilak.photodeck.com View more
Roman`s Facebook profile
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