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war story

Holland, Zoetermeer - Nov 20, 2022

Everything for the front, everything for the victory of Ukraine.

By Olena Skala Skaletska

Holland, Zoetermeer,
Nov 20, 2022

aiEverything for the front, everything for the victory of Ukraine.
aiYulia helps rehabilitate soldiers, Roman wins in competitions, and the Cossack family continues. The family has a second son, Oleksandr.
aiOn February 24, the Kashpur couple go to Vinnytsia. Leaving their sons with their parents, they go to war together. But fate ordered otherwise. Everyone has their own strengths.

Everything for the front, everything for the victory of Ukraine.

aiYulia's parents did not let her go to the front. Little Sashko was still an infant. So she stayed in Khmelnyk to get drones, cars, thermal imagers and many other things that were so lacking at the frontline.
aiAlready in the first days, thanks to Yulia and her volunteer work, we increased our combat power many times. If she was fighting, Roman wouldn't have been able to run forward without looking back to protect her. Now in the rear, she has done a great job. 
aiYulia's volunteering continues because we need a lot of warm clothes, drones, cars... everything for the front, everything for the victory of Ukraine.

Oksana Astapovych


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