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war story

Kyiv, Ukraine - Dec 2, 2022

What's everyday 

life like?

By Bogdan and Dmitry Girich

Kyiv, Ukraine,
Dec 2, 2022

aiWe continue to keep you informed about the situation in Ukraine. Now every city lives in anticipation of complete collapse. From time to time there is a massive rocket attack on residential buildings and energy systems. This affects the lives of civilians and military people. We want to win, so our task is to help both the civilian population and the army.
aiHave you ever lived in conditions where electricity comes on and off every 2-3 hours and sometimes all you get is 3 hours a day? What would be the first thing you do when there is light, heat, Internet? For some people, water is tied to the electricity too!
aiCurrently, this is the situation in most of Ukraine. And people try to wash things in a short time, call loved ones, prepare food, and charge everything that has batteries.

When the electricity is off in our office, we go to a co-working space that has its own generator

aiFor us in Kyiv, the situation changes every day. For working, we go to our office in the morning at 9:30-10:00. In the last couple of weeks the electricity has been turned off at 12 or 13:00 until the evening so then we go to a coffee shop or a co-working space that has their own generator.
aiAs for my house, the electricity goes off in the afternoon, and sometimes it does not even come on in the evening. It's dark and gets pretty cold.
aiOur brother is in the army. He undergoes tactical training, studies and lives on a farm. Yes, on a farm where there used to be cattle, where there is no heating at all and no electrical outlets. For him and his unit, we are currently helping to raise funds for a diesel generator.
aiAnyone who wants to feel involved in keeping the light burning for Ukrainians, so they can keep warm and vulnerable people can survive, we request you donate to our volunteer work and become a participant in good deeds!

Olena Skala Skaletska


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