aiThe charitable art therapy project was organized in December 2022 at the initiative and in cooperation of the project curators Olena Sokalska and Alina Karnaukhova for the members of the community of wives of fallen heroes "Alive True Love Stories."

Why it is in need
aiCommunity of wives of fallen heroes "Alive"currently unites more than 500 participants from all over the country and is growing rapidly.

aiThe project uses a method of correcting the emotional state through an active approach to creativity, through the visualization of feelings and stress, which allows each participant to soberly look at negative emotional experiences, promotes the development of spontaneity and the creative process, and reduces destructive processes inside

What is nessesary
aiIn order to conduct art therapy, namely the writing of picture-stories by widows, it is necessary to purchase art materials (canvas, paints, brushes), one master class costs UAH 2,000 (aprox. 50 $). We plan to hold these events for 50 women.

aiProfessional volunteer artists help participants go through each stage of creating a painting through the sublimation of grief. Women get a real therapeutic effect from this fascinating creative process.
aiTherefore, according to the feedback of the participants, the art therapy project "Alive. True love stories" effectively helps women who experience the loss of their husbands in the war to open up emotionally and promotes their further better rehabilitation and socialization in society.

Art therapy for women whose husbands died in the war
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