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war story

Altenau, Germany - Jul 26, 2023

I knew there would be 

a war…

By Yana Kosinova-Zhukovska

Altenau, Germany,
Jul 26, 2023

aiI knew there would be a war. I definitely was not ready for what it is like...
aiI woke up from explosions (air defense was working) and immediately realized that it had begun. It was already dawn and the sky was cut with smoky traces from missiles. My body was trembling. I started to run around the apartment, collect documents, and put a first aid kit in my backpack.
aiThree weeks before, my 76-year-old father had defeated Covid but the virus damaged his brain, so he partially lost his memory and could barely navigate around... He was still in the hospital and I called his roommate to say I would come for him as soon as I possibly could.
aiAround nine in the morning the streets were filled with people. Everyone I met looked confused. I think I looked the same because my consciousness would not accept a new reality had come. 

With every pause in shelling utility workers were out making repairs so sometimes at least we could charge our phones.

aiThere were a lot of explosions from the direction of Belgorod (city in Russian bordering the Kharkov region where my home is). There was almost no public transportation but, in the end, I got to the hospital. 
aiThe neurology department was in turmoil, the doctors and staff all  moving around quickly and running down the halls... In an empty ward, I found my father. He was sitting on the bed with a bag on his lap. There were his personal belongings and medicines. He didn't have time to finish his treatment… We headed home to increasing ominous sounds.
aiBottles of water ran out by the end of that day. I spent the whole afternoon going from store to store, buying whatever groceries I could find on the almost-empty shelves. 
aiThe next day, power outages began. Then the water supply and heating stopped. As soon as there was a pause in the shelling, utility workers were out trying to make repairs so sometimes at least we could charge our phones and have some non-potable water. Public transportation was no longer running at all. It was February and cold.
aiAnd still my mind kept saying, no, we can’t be in a full-scale war.

Yana Kosinova-Zhukovska


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