war story
Ukraine - Jan 13, 2024
Yevheniya Semenenkowas 25 years old
Yevheniya Semenenko
was 25 years old

By Tetiana Larina
Jan 13, 2024aiYevheniya Semenenko was born in Sumy region, in the village of Zaliznychne. The girl studied in the 11th grade when the Revolution of Dignity began.
aiThe events on the Maidan had a tremendous impact on her, "touched the teenage soul", as she admitted in an interview. It was then that she decided definitely to connect her life with the army. However, first she studied to become a paramedic - she graduated from the Lebedyn medical school.
aiIn 2017 Yevheniya Semenenko signed a military contract. She served in the reactive artillery division and there she got to the combat zone for the first time.
ai"I will never forget when it was message by the radio that we have two wounded. The heart seemed to fly out of excitement. I never worried about myself as much as about the soldiers. Backpack on shoulder and - to them.
aiAnd you know how else it can happen? You can run out to help them, you have all the necessary medicines, you are fully equipped... But this is not your area of responsibility and they should be helped by those medics who are near. And you just sit and wait for the message that everyone was evacuated - alive," Yevheniya said .
The heart seemed to fly out of excitement. I never worried about myself as much as about wounded soldiers. Backpack on shoulder and - to them
aiAs Yevheniya admitted, painting helped her to survive in extreme moments during the war. She transferred her emotions to paper, in landscapes, portraits, birds and animals.
aiThe full-scale invasion of Russia get Yevgenia at the position of a combat medic in the 72nd separate mechanized brigade named Black Zaporozhets.
aiOn May 30 2022, like many days before, she rescued the wounded in the Kherson region. She managed to evacuate one of them, but when they were going after the other, an enemy rocket hit the "ambulance" car. The girl died instantly. The driver also received fatal injuries.
ai"After her death, her sister found so many paintings in the house that she never had time to finish. It's so sorry, I would really like to dedicate an exhibition to her, so that everyone can see how talented she was," the sister of the deceased, Tetyana Kyrychenko shared with the Ukrainian newspaper "Fakty".
aiSergeant Semenenko was posthumously awarded the Order "For Courage" III degree. Yevgenia was buried in Boromlya in the Sumy region. She was only 25 years old.
aiThe photos and information are from free internet sources